Well being

No one on here, should ever apologize for letting off steam, especially when it concerns a loved one, life is cruel, and especially so, to those who don't deserve it, haven't lived yet etc, so you go right ahead, in fact, to anyone who is facing challenges, you have our support and respect, nothing comes before family, and in some cases, true friends That emotion, and as stated, 'hatred; for diseases like Cancer, has to be let out, so feel free, as we are all the same HH
Thanks for that Dill , I'll be thinking of you today buddy
My wee sister in law been sent home to die in Wales, cancer .
The biggest blight on humanity. I'm 100% certain that 99.5/100% of us all on here have either suffered from it or indirectly , family members close friends etc.
She , Sarah is 36 years old a twin.
Not even lived at 36.
At the end of December '23, 2 days before Christmas she was really struggling to walk , next day couldn't walk.
Few blood tests at the hospital ( that she's visited quite a few times for minor ailments and blood tests ) they said hmm something wrong here.
Ya think? She can't fkn walk , so kept her in overnight cos couldn't explain it, scans show she has cancer in her bones , breasts, back , riddled with it.
How can a hospital miss this ?

How? I'm talking Countess of Chester hospital here. Yeah you've all heard a lot of that hospital , the same one Lucy letsby killed all those babies.
36 years old 36 years fkn years old.
Hearts broken 💔
How can that be missed?
I'm heartbroken, so fukn angry, we're all on our knees my emotions are in overdrive I just want to smash the fuk out of someone.
I know life's not fair but 36 hasn't even lived yet.
I'm sorry for venting on here bhoys and ghirls I watched my wee ma suffer for 6 months deteriorated to a bag of bones I still can't talk about it not really .
Sarah was looking forward to family Christmas a week before now she's at home in a hospital bed , sent her home with cocodamol, Co-fukin-codamol 🤬
Good for a hangover or headache, I'm gonna stop , sorry .
Fuk Ukraine fuk palestine fuk Israel, Yemen, what is this biblical times,?
Where a young girl with her life in front of her is ok in December expected to be gone from the face of the planet by the end of the week.
For all the pelters Scotland's NHS takes rightly so very often England and Wales is miles behind we should be grateful for what we havevin Scotland, I'm positive they would NOT have missed this.
Sorry I really apologise for this vent 🙏
Don't apologize Winter for expressing your feelings to fellow Bhoys & Ghirls
that is why we have this site, not just for good times but to support each other thru all times, good and bad and tragic times when we need support.
In a previous post I said it was the first time I could go thru my cancer treatment experience, from start to finish and put it to bed for good (I hope).
With all the posts of support I received from the Noise it really did help me to move on.
Being one of the most popular members on here Winter I'm sure we all sympathize with you at this time of need & support.
Don't ever forget YNWA
I bet if it was King Charles and his daughter in law it would never have been misdiagnosed.
That's a story and a journey and a half Scotcel , I don't know if I could have coped with the man in the iron mask head gear , remember sitting getting my First Chemo thinking "I hope I never look as ill as some of the others in the room ' but you manage to find an inner strength that you didn't know you had and as you say Family and friends are so important I don't know what I would have done if my wife hadn't kept my spirits up and also the Maggie's Centre who also not only helped me but my wife as well ,if you need to talk about anything worrying you Maggie's is a great place .
I'm due to get my next set of results on Monday 5th February to see if I have the Braca2 gene, if I have then they can prescribe a genetic blocker , if I don't then it'll be more chemo.
Look after yourself my friend.
Good luck with your test Marky, I really hope they don't discover the gene.
If the result is not what we want don't hesitate to contact me with questions and support.
Don't apologize Winter for expressing your feelings to fellow Bhoys & Ghirls
that is why we have this site, not just for good times but to support each other thru all times, good and bad and tragic times when we need support.
In a previous post I said it was the first time I could go thru my cancer treatment experience, from start to finish and put it to bed for good (I hope).
With all the posts of support I received from the Noise it really did help me to move on.
Being one of the most popular members on here Winter I'm sure we all sympathize with you at this time of need & support.
Don't ever forget YNWA
I bet if it was King Charles and his daughter in law it would never have been misdiagnosed.
Thank you for that scotcel , and I wish you the ultimate best in what you're facing.
I just can't talk , can't say the words , I go numb and remember the suffering ma n da went through , my da relatively quickly ma suffered a lot longer it was a mercy when she went at the end for her first and us second.
Trillions of dollars spent fighting futile wars could and should be spent on the real war humanity faces and that's the war on cancer.
I wish you the very best and everyone else who's suffering directly or indirectly to this plague. GBY YNWA
That's a story and a journey and a half Scotcel , I don't know if I could have coped with the man in the iron mask head gear , remember sitting getting my First Chemo thinking "I hope I never look as ill as some of the others in the room ' but you manage to find an inner strength that you didn't know you had and as you say Family and friends are so important I don't know what I would have done if my wife hadn't kept my spirits up and also the Maggie's Centre who also not only helped me but my wife as well ,if you need to talk about anything worrying you Maggie's is a great place .
I'm due to get my next set of results on Monday 5th February to see if I have the Braca2 gene, if I have then they can prescribe a genetic blocker , if I don't then it'll be more chemo.
Look after yourself my friend.
As scotcel and others have already said marky I wish you every success and pray you have the gene . 🙏
5yrs cancer free
View attachment 24967

My nightmare started 5 years ago when I had trouble swallowing solid food.
I went to my local GP who sent me for PEP & MRI scans.
When we received the results he sent me to a Head & Neck surgeon.
Who booked me to the next cancer team meeting the following Tuesday.
Sitting on a bed he proceeded to slide a camera up my nose down to the base of my tongue, where they all viewed (on the big coloured screen) my cancer including my wife, a nurse.
They decided my cancer had spread too far for a surgical solution, they decided I needed a chemical solution of 6 Chemotherapy sessions & 8 weeks of daily Radiation.

Which is another story on its own being in a ward for 4 hours with other people facing death like myself, and how honest we were with each other, including our fears & hopes for our families left behind, I was lucky that my kids had grown up but others facing death were more concerned about their families left behind than their health outcomes..

The following day I was booked into the cancer ward where I laid on a table with a arm rest, where a doctor cut a slit in my arm and fed a tube (line) into my main vein and slid the line all the way to my heart & maneuvered it in my heart exactly where she wanted it, at the time we were both watch it on a big screen.
I said to her you know I'm awake watching this, she said you a Glasgow boy you can handle this. She shamed me so much that I nearly stopped crying.

The next day I was booked in for another procedure.
At least I was given a general anesthesia procedure, when I woke up I had a hole in my stomach with a tube sticking out that I would be fed through for the next couple of months. No wonder I lost 17 kilo in 8 weeks.

My next drama was being able to handle being locked down on the Radiation table, unable to move with that mask so tight it left squares on my face when they took it off.
It only took about 20 mins but being locked down on my own till they came back in to release me was a nightmare on its own.
I took 2 valium for the 1st session, 1 valium for the second session & half a tablet for the rest of that week.
By the 2nd week I was on 12 mg Oxycontin patches, then 25 mg patches.
Followed by 12 mg Fentanyl patches, followed by 25 mg patches.
I said I was concerned I would get addicted to them.
They explained if you need the pain killers, you don't get addicted its only when you take them for a high that you get addicted.

After every Radiation session a nurse would check my vital signs & if she called the doctor over I knew I was staying in the hospital which happened to me 4 times for 4 days.
Each time I stayed in, the hospital's Psychiatrists would come and ask me how I was handling it.
I alway told her I was OK, the only time I contacted her, she abruckly said
No you can't have antidepressants because Ange has gone to England
and hung up,
I thought she isn't very sympathetic for cancer doctor, she must be a hun.I thought.

Although I would often fall asleep watching Celtic TV I would just watch it the next day, As I mentioned before, watching Celtic on TV was very clinical
I would read KerryDale St ( till I got barred for my socialist views) but I still had The noise to let me know what the nuts and bolts of the fans thought of what was happening with Celtic, at that time I was to crook to participate in the discussions but enjoyed the banter.

My final two points, don't be a fool like me & put off going to a doctor,
My brother who took me to my first Celtic game is 12 years older than me, he had a bowel problem and went to the doctors straight away, he had minor surgery, and was out after a couple of days.
He had one Chemo session & after 3 months was good as knew.

My second point is if it wasn't for my wife, a nurse who made me get up and walk around the house when I just wanted to lay on the lounge and die.
Putting up with my bad moods when she was driving me to the hospital for my cancer treatment, turning the first corner or breaking I would feel nausea and complain she was driving to close to the car in front ect, all totally unreasonable,
Letting my kids know when I was well enough for a visit, especially with my grandkids wearing their Celtic top on that I had given them.

I am writing this now as I have just been given the all clear after 5 year, which is a significant time, and don't have to make any more appointments but I know cancer is just in remission never really gone as other patients I met were back for their 2nd or even their 3rd time with cancer, personally I would rather die than go through that again but as other pointed out to me with young children depended on them they don't have a choice but to go through it all again even if it only gives them a little bit longer with their family.

Its only when you go through difficult time you appreciate what it means
You've been through the mill bud and thks for sharing, if only one person takes your advice and goes to the doc then it will have been well worth you sharing... At times like your troubles you definitely find out your inner strength ably backed up by our family. Your wife sounds like an Angel and I hope you remind her now and again..

Great your in remission mate and free of that thing.... Lang ma it be so..

Keep fighting the fight mate..

5yrs cancer free
View attachment 24967

My nightmare started 5 years ago when I had trouble swallowing solid food.
I went to my local GP who sent me for PEP & MRI scans.
When we received the results he sent me to a Head & Neck surgeon.
Who booked me to the next cancer team meeting the following Tuesday.
Sitting on a bed he proceeded to slide a camera up my nose down to the base of my tongue, where they all viewed (on the big coloured screen) my cancer including my wife, a nurse.
They decided my cancer had spread too far for a surgical solution, they decided I needed a chemical solution of 6 Chemotherapy sessions & 8 weeks of daily Radiation.

Which is another story on its own being in a ward for 4 hours with other people facing death like myself, and how honest we were with each other, including our fears & hopes for our families left behind, I was lucky that my kids had grown up but others facing death were more concerned about their families left behind than their health outcomes..

The following day I was booked into the cancer ward where I laid on a table with a arm rest, where a doctor cut a slit in my arm and fed a tube (line) into my main vein and slid the line all the way to my heart & maneuvered it in my heart exactly where she wanted it, at the time we were both watch it on a big screen.
I said to her you know I'm awake watching this, she said you a Glasgow boy you can handle this. She shamed me so much that I nearly stopped crying.

The next day I was booked in for another procedure.
At least I was given a general anesthesia procedure, when I woke up I had a hole in my stomach with a tube sticking out that I would be fed through for the next couple of months. No wonder I lost 17 kilo in 8 weeks.

My next drama was being able to handle being locked down on the Radiation table, unable to move with that mask so tight it left squares on my face when they took it off.
It only took about 20 mins but being locked down on my own till they came back in to release me was a nightmare on its own.
I took 2 valium for the 1st session, 1 valium for the second session & half a tablet for the rest of that week.
By the 2nd week I was on 12 mg Oxycontin patches, then 25 mg patches.
Followed by 12 mg Fentanyl patches, followed by 25 mg patches.
I said I was concerned I would get addicted to them.
They explained if you need the pain killers, you don't get addicted its only when you take them for a high that you get addicted.

After every Radiation session a nurse would check my vital signs & if she called the doctor over I knew I was staying in the hospital which happened to me 4 times for 4 days.
Each time I stayed in, the hospital's Psychiatrists would come and ask me how I was handling it.
I alway told her I was OK, the only time I contacted her, she abruckly said
No you can't have antidepressants because Ange has gone to England
and hung up,
I thought she isn't very sympathetic for cancer doctor, she must be a hun.I thought.

Although I would often fall asleep watching Celtic TV I would just watch it the next day, As I mentioned before, watching Celtic on TV was very clinical
I would read KerryDale St ( till I got barred for my socialist views) but I still had The noise to let me know what the nuts and bolts of the fans thought of what was happening with Celtic, at that time I was to crook to participate in the discussions but enjoyed the banter.

My final two points, don't be a fool like me & put off going to a doctor,
My brother who took me to my first Celtic game is 12 years older than me, he had a bowel problem and went to the doctors straight away, he had minor surgery, and was out after a couple of days.
He had one Chemo session & after 3 months was good as knew.

My second point is if it wasn't for my wife, a nurse who made me get up and walk around the house when I just wanted to lay on the lounge and die.
Putting up with my bad moods when she was driving me to the hospital for my cancer treatment, turning the first corner or breaking I would feel nausea and complain she was driving to close to the car in front ect, all totally unreasonable,
Letting my kids know when I was well enough for a visit, especially with my grandkids wearing their Celtic top on that I had given them.

I am writing this now as I have just been given the all clear after 5 year, which is a significant time, and don't have to make any more appointments but I know cancer is just in remission never really gone as other patients I met were back for their 2nd or even their 3rd time with cancer, personally I would rather die than go through that again but as other pointed out to me with young children depended on them they don't have a choice but to go through it all again even if it only gives them a little bit longer with their family.

Its only when you go through difficult time you appreciate what it means
Fantastic news 50 , sweet Jesus so many trials and tribulations you've gone through 50. You my friend are a fighter , keep that fight in you forever, like Mrs 50 said you're a Glasgow bhoy you can do this GBY and your family YNWA
Fantastic news 50 , sweet Jesus so many trials and tribulations you've gone through 50. You my friend are a fighter , keep that fight in you forever, like Mrs 50 said you're a Glasgow bhoy you can do this GBY and your family YNWA
Winter I was replying to Scotcel mate, think you picked that up wrong, but thks all the same, Yea I've been through a few things myself but nothing really compared to Scotcel..

My wee sister in law been sent home to die in Wales, cancer .
The biggest blight on humanity. I'm 100% certain that 99.5/100% of us all on here have either suffered from it or indirectly , family members close friends etc.
She , Sarah is 36 years old a twin.
Not even lived at 36.
At the end of December '23, 2 days before Christmas she was really struggling to walk , next day couldn't walk.
Few blood tests at the hospital ( that she's visited quite a few times for minor ailments and blood tests ) they said hmm something wrong here.
Ya think? She can't fkn walk , so kept her in overnight cos couldn't explain it, scans show she has cancer in her bones , breasts, back , riddled with it.
How can a hospital miss this ?

How? I'm talking Countess of Chester hospital here. Yeah you've all heard a lot of that hospital , the same one Lucy letsby killed all those babies.
36 years old 36 years fkn years old.
Hearts broken 💔
How can that be missed?
I'm heartbroken, so fukn angry, we're all on our knees my emotions are in overdrive I just want to smash the fuk out of someone.
I know life's not fair but 36 hasn't even lived yet.
I'm sorry for venting on here bhoys and ghirls I watched my wee ma suffer for 6 months deteriorated to a bag of bones I still can't talk about it not really .
Sarah was looking forward to family Christmas a week before now she's at home in a hospital bed , sent her home with cocodamol, Co-fukin-codamol 🤬
Good for a hangover or headache, I'm gonna stop , sorry .
Fuk Ukraine fuk palestine fuk Israel, Yemen, what is this biblical times,?
Where a young girl with her life in front of her is ok in December expected to be gone from the face of the planet by the end of the week.
For all the pelters Scotland's NHS takes rightly so very often England and Wales is miles behind we should be grateful for what we havevin Scotland, I'm positive they would NOT have missed this.
Sorry I really apologise for this vent 🙏
We are here to be vented on Winter no need to apologise - - - - I think it hits us harder when its the younger generation that suffer and my heart goes out to the young lass and her nearest and dearest including yourself mate... Take care..... And vent away, its good to have a place to release, I've found it a god send in the past in here honestly.

We are here to be vented on Winter no need to apologise - - - - I think it hits us harder when its the younger generation that suffer and my heart goes out to the young lass and her nearest and dearest including yourself mate... Take care..... And vent away, its good to have a place to release, I've found it a god send in the past in here honestly.

Thank you for that 50 it's really lifted my spirits the kindness, support and love .
Definately much worse mate when they're so young and so so many younger.
I will be eternally grateful for the members of the noise , and not just for this reason. Preparing for a funeral when Sarah is still with us , in body if not mind. It fks with your head ,but must be done.
The cancer has kick started dementia at 36, right now I'm just so angry , so sad, broken again , I know as we all do that death is part of life, but at least let these kids have a life first. No parents should ever have to bury their children,
Fkn home help or whatever they're called in North Wales said to my missus , " is she eating?" - " not much just little bits here and there" - " oh I see that's usually a sign she's on her way soon" 🤯
This is a fkn home help , she has no right to say that in my mind , a doctor.or junior yes her no.
I was completely enraged engulfed in anger had to control myself as best as I could.
Still rabbiting on about signs to look out for to my missus about her wee sister , missus was in shock, I mean ffs we know, there's a hospital bed in the bedroom , grossly unprofessional and I know they get paid a pittance but that's not on not ever . I just opened the front door as she was being ghoulish and said thanks for coming goodbye ushered her out the door, if it were a guy I'm sure I'd have lamped him right into the fkn driveway. That is not their job incensed the whole house, for a minute I thought oh no what have I gone and done but the family were 100% behind me on this they're all such good people who don't need a home help telling signs to look out for , we know what's coming and we know it could be now, tonight ,next week .
She even had the neck to say to me oh excuse me I'm just trying to prepare you all. That's wrong never in a million years is that what home help is for, what help is that? Without laying a finger on her I said thanks for coming out even if its been a waste of all our time, but but I was....door opens goodbye door slams shut.
I know , we all do its not her nor anyones fault but that was beyond the pale and her tone of voice such an arrogant bitch with little to no empathy at all spent all of ten minutes in the house half of that time spent explaining this could mean the end, that could mean the end , fuk off and don't come back I wanted to say but that's not my place and could make things worse. I've not been so angry in just shy of a decade. I was close to the limit very close.
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Some people I think, just dont realise the hurt and anger some of their words cause people, mostly its thoughtlessness.... For instance my lovely daughter in law had a still birth a few yrs back with what would have been her second child... Some idiot on meeting her and hearing the news said... Och well never mind at least you already have a child etc... My son a big Highland gentle giant said it was all he could do to stop himself from skelping them silly.... Don't know that I could have held it back mind you..... No bloody malice just sheer stupidity..

Take care Winter you've a tough time ahead... Keep blasting away on here and remember to let your Mrs vent on you when needed...

Some people I think, just dont realise the hurt and anger some of their words cause people, mostly its thoughtlessness.... For instance my lovely daughter in law had a still birth a few yrs back with what would have been her second child... Some idiot on meeting her and hearing the news said... Och well never mind at least you already have a child etc... My son a big Highland gentle giant said it was all he could do to stop himself from skelping them silly.... Don't know that I could have held it back mind you..... No bloody malice just sheer stupidity..

Take care Winter you've a tough time ahead... Keep blasting away on here and remember to let your Mrs vent on you when needed...

Thank you 50 and aye, when Sarah does go it'll be just like my wee ma, mercy.
I've passed some of these cunts coming out-of an elderly neighbours sheltered housing across the road , I've overheard them say " omg the smell is disgusting" and the like, zero empathy, do your job and fkn help then thats why you're here.
That old lady wasn't even dying , two minutes out the door after 10 inside " thought I was going to throw up, but idt well be back here anyway what you thinka week 10 days?" , " whats happening with you and hector ? Oh giggle giggle wouldnt you like to know" get another job if its too much to handle, I know it's not their fault and their well underpaid but show some fukn respect, is that asking too much .
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Congratulations scotcel that’s one helluva rollercoaster you’ve just ridden!!it’s sheer guts’n’ determination that got you threw that trip,hope you have many many healthy years ahead🍀👍”””a celtic site chuckin you aff for your socialist views??unreal..all the best man🍀🍀🍀🍀👊
Kerrydale St platform is run from the USA, which explains a lot.
As a socialist I detest how the richest country in the world has over 30 million people with no heath cover at all.
I simply told them to stop believing their own BS, they are not even in the top standards of living in the world, which proudly belongs to the 3 Scandinavian socialist countries where everybody pay their fair share of tax.
The UN recently published a survey on wealth and taxation.
The 6 richest men in the world doubled their wealth in the last 3yrs by not paying tax & getting governments to bring in laws that restrict unions ability to maintain members standard of living.
When I was a union organizer they brought in laws, not only did the union get heavy fines but so could the individual organizer including jail.
So their anti unions laws have worked again & again.
With the super rich owning the right wing media I don't see it changing soon :(
Kerrydale St platform is run from the USA, which explains a lot.
As a socialist I detest how the richest country in the world has over 30 million people with no heath cover at all.
I simply told them to stop believing their own BS, they are not even in the top standards of living in the world, which proudly belongs to the 3 Scandinavian socialist countries where everybody pay their fair share of tax.
The UN recently published a survey on wealth and taxation.
The 6 richest men in the world doubled their wealth in the last 3yrs by not paying tax & getting governments to bring in laws that restrict unions ability to maintain members standard of living.
When I was a union organizer they brought in laws, not only did the union get heavy fines but so could the individual organizer including jail.
So their anti unions laws have worked again & again.
With the super rich owning the right wing media I don't see it changing soon :(
Nah me neither , and apologies for the mix up earlier scotcel quite incredible you're a fighter mate HH
My wee sister in law been sent home to die in Wales, cancer .
The biggest blight on humanity. I'm 100% certain that 99.5/100% of us all on here have either suffered from it or indirectly , family members close friends etc.
She , Sarah is 36 years old a twin.
Not even lived at 36.
At the end of December '23, 2 days before Christmas she was really struggling to walk , next day couldn't walk.
Few blood tests at the hospital ( that she's visited quite a few times for minor ailments and blood tests ) they said hmm something wrong here.
Ya think? She can't fkn walk , so kept her in overnight cos couldn't explain it, scans show she has cancer in her bones , breasts, back , riddled with it.
How can a hospital miss this ?

How? I'm talking Countess of Chester hospital here. Yeah you've all heard a lot of that hospital , the same one Lucy letsby killed all those babies.
36 years old 36 years fkn years old.
Hearts broken 💔
How can that be missed?
I'm heartbroken, so fukn angry, we're all on our knees my emotions are in overdrive I just want to smash the fuk out of someone.
I know life's not fair but 36 hasn't even lived yet.
I'm sorry for venting on here bhoys and ghirls I watched my wee ma suffer for 6 months deteriorated to a bag of bones I still can't talk about it not really .
Sarah was looking forward to family Christmas a week before now she's at home in a hospital bed , sent her home with cocodamol, Co-fukin-codamol 🤬
Good for a hangover or headache, I'm gonna stop , sorry .
Fuk Ukraine fuk palestine fuk Israel, Yemen, what is this biblical times,?
Where a young girl with her life in front of her is ok in December expected to be gone from the face of the planet by the end of the week.
For all the pelters Scotland's NHS takes rightly so very often England and Wales is miles behind we should be grateful for what we havevin Scotland, I'm positive they would NOT have missed this.
Sorry I really apologise for this vent 🙏
No need to apologise Winter vent when you need or have to it’s the noise the support you get on here can really help you get through the shit life throws at you.
Both you and your sister and your extended family are and will be in our thoughts and prayers.


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