Young Team do well in the highlands.

The Bhoys looking good! Oko-Flex, Henderson, Dembele n Mikey looking too good to be playing at this level, evethe old reserve league was better.

The wee bhoy Dembele really looks like he was born with a ball n quite Jinkyesque! If this Bhoy continues to develop we could really have a world-beater in our mist!
Think we'll struggle to keep hold of him, Rodgers in particular knows how good the boy is. He will persuade Leicester to put a good bid in one day.
Think we'll struggle to keep hold of him, Rodgers in particular knows how good the boy is. He will persuade Leicester to put a good bid in one day.

He won’t be the only one, but as long as he is with Leicester he has no Fucking chance. If the lad develops as we hope, they won’t be anywhere near him and our board need to avoid clutching the first cheque put on the table to keep the bonus gravy train moving.
Hopefully we'll have him for coupla years then, hopefully, when he's established in the 1st team we can sit down n offer him a worthy contract. I think we've done well handling him so far.

Oko-Flex is another we might find hard to keep but hopefully he's settled in well

We should offer both new contracts as soon as they join the first team pool, extending their contracts. I’m sure that’s the plan, or I should say, it had better be.
Let's hope the continued success of breeding our own and being able to spot young talent brings the benefit of not having to go on spending sprees at every transfer window where we will always have the financial constraints of not affording the funny money targets we'd like.

Money should be getting pumped into the youth system and development squad instead of some of the waste of money signings that we've yet to see achieve a damn thing.
Well well well. I posted this yesterday as I'd watched the highlights on YouTube. So today theres an Article in the DR, headline, 5 rising Celtic players NL could blood this Season. Just shows you churnalists read these pages too.

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