Wasn't't pretty

Certainly wasn't pretty at times, thought the big fella up front caused havoc at times, due to our defence playing the old keystone cops formation at times no doubt. We stuck at it, I felt that lite we're smelling blood, they maybe thought we would be in turmoil.
The best thing for me was the togetherness in the team and coaching staff, the pictures at the end say a 1000 words. So happy with everyone of them last night. We move on, and I think we'll take some stopping, I can only see improvement coming troops.
One observation from last night was the way the team could not get control of the game .I was not and am not a great admirer of Rogers philosophy to try and always be in control of th e game even if it means endless pass backs or sideways but there is a happy medium . last night I thought the lack of game management and control played right into their tactics and gave them encouragement.

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