Transfer Rumours

the indian express aint my go to site either but it was first link that i clicked. every big media outlet covering it though if you search
Yeah, and I came up with an article like this, from last month, which pretty much explains it in a way that is somewhat comprehensive, without annoying pop-ups. And it's from a reputable source among the sporting world, as opposed to some Internet backwater.

You can post articles all night, Tarzan Trump. But to be honest, I'm really not that interested in most of these clubs, and I don't have a subscription to the Financial Times (and don't plan on buying one, too). If they go under, well, because they weren't as creative as Barca with their finances or through malfeasance, I guess that's just too damn bad.
Yeah, and I came up with an article like this, from last month, which pretty much explains it in a way that is somewhat comprehensive, without annoying pop-ups. And it's from a reputable source among the sporting world, as opposed to some Internet backwater.

I had no idea it had annoying ads

besides the msm are not allowed to properly address the scandals of these big clubs since msm is part of the problem since these big clubs are deemed to big to die and the lawsuits would come rushing in

thats part of the problem

most of the football clubs are run similar to enron type scandal

And despite that heist the few who were jailed for scam are all out

makes you wonder if twin towers coming down with all the financial records had something to do with enron since it happened at almost same time.

all covered up or at least no able to properly investigate since the lawsuits preent risks
You can post articles all night, Tarzan Trump. But to be honest, I'm really not that interested in most of these clubs, and I don't have a subscription to the Financial Times (and don't plan on buying one, too). If they go under, well, because they weren't as creative as Barca with their finances or through malfeasance, I guess that's just too damn bad.
the point is

football is scam a big ponzi money scam and while the scam is not addressed all clubs are stuck in the market with the sscammers which is destroying game

If you arent interested why defend them?

Do you think its good thing clubs raking up monster debts that cant effect the club since club apparently cant die?
Sorry but not getting this whatsoever, as soon as money within football gets mentioned then straight away it jumps to the top end of the scale and utter revolution.
The money within sport particularly football is matched by the demands and even more so from the paying public as per usual.
So let's take Jota as an example and was sold, let's just say 30M.
Would we as a support be OK about that, we have MJ and Moffat to step into the vacant position now?
Would we fuck, because the demand for the replacement would be huge and even more so with the money available, yet what continues to keep going unnoticed still is why we can't get the MJ and Moffat up to a standard that we would be happy with?
Blame the money men as much as we like but remains horseshite imo.
Moffat to Blackpool, good luck to the lad, but are Blackpool suddenly going to pay Moffat far more for his service than what we could afford? Can't see it and certainly won't be in the ridiculous bracket either.
We have currently developed a squad which is well covered in all positions and even if any players are sold on in the future, then the stability within the club and team shouldn't be affected to much either, the way Celtic should have been doing things years ago as you would expect from a top football team.
So now we have finally managed to get where we should be, with plenty of room still available to increase that growth, but seems like it will have to be without to much if any Scottish influence for the foreseeable, and it's not regarded as a concern because of the demands for success being so high and the gaps for youngsters being to big still without any real development programmes in place.
Plenty of other countries are doing so for which we benefit hugely from, yet at the same time turn a blind eye to what's happening under our very own noses still but still no one gives too hoots about the situation within Scottish football in general still imo.
Celtic should have been doing things years ago as you would expect from a top football team.
So now we have finally managed to get where we should be, with plenty of room still available to increase that growth, but seems like it will have to be without to much if any Scottish influence for the foreseeable, and it's not regarded as a concern because of the demands for success being so high and the gaps for youngsters being to big still without any real development programmes in place.
Plenty of other countries are doing so for which we benefit hugely from, yet at the same time turn a blind eye to what's happening under our very own noses still but still no one gives too hoots about the situation within Scottish football in general still imo.

To be fair, one of the things Celtic currently excels at is finding exceptional talent at a good, or even low, cost -- to say nothing of cultivating new regions for talent (e.g., Asia, specifically Japan). While the rest of the league looks inward or stop looking outside the borders of Europe, to Celtic's credit there is a more outward looking approach to gaining quality players.

Of course, there's also having situations like having Matt O'Riley left on your doorstep as well, but still.

As someone who lives far from Glasgow and is not part of the myopic Euro-centric focus on players, Celtic can easily take a "Moneyball" approach to acquiring and developing players because, frankly, the world plays the game and the world is full of quality players who are not yet "discovered," especially in this hemisphere (and especially in Central and South America, though we have a few diamonds-in-the-rough here in North America, too). Whether Bernabei works out or not doesn't alter the fact that the talent is here, and it should be explored.

To be honest, Scottish football is painful to watch -- skillful players are hacked to shreds by mouth-breathing hammerthrowing nobodies who will never succeed at anything other than wasting valuable natural resources the rest of us could use and need. But as long as Celtic, a club I love, plays in the SPFL, I always want them to succeed despite this environment.
I had no idea it had annoying ads

besides the msm are not allowed to properly address the scandals of these big clubs since msm is part of the problem since these big clubs are deemed to big to die and the lawsuits would come rushing in

thats part of the problem

most of the football clubs are run similar to enron type scandal

And despite that heist the few who were jailed for scam are all out

makes you wonder if twin towers coming down with all the financial records had something to do with enron since it happened at almost same time.

all covered up or at least no able to properly investigate since the lawsuits preent risks
I wonder if Bin Laden had shares in Enron 😂
I had no idea it had annoying ads

besides the msm are not allowed to properly address the scandals of these big clubs since msm is part of the problem since these big clubs are deemed to big to die and the lawsuits would come rushing in

thats part of the problem

most of the football clubs are run similar to enron type scandal

And despite that heist the few who were jailed for scam are all out

makes you wonder if twin towers coming down with all the financial records had something to do with enron since it happened at almost same time.

all covered up or at least no able to properly investigate since the lawsuits preent risks
Unfortunately with TV deals the big clubs are run like ponzi schemes now everyone of them up to they're eyeballs in debt FFP was meant to stop all this pish but FIFA & UEFA are as corrupt as fuck 🤬
The game remains far from dead TET and no real signs of that happening either in the future imo.
This is more about trying to get growth within Scottish football which is quite happy to remain idle with the Scottish youngsters having to suffer.
How can you have a game dominated by teams with a protected voting system in place, where all there supporters put together from 3 divisions couldn't even fill half of Celtic Park???
Until that ridiculous situation is addressed then is it any wonder that the Scottish youngsters look outside of Scotland to gain a better opportunity to further a career within the game?
Even now clubs within the bigger leagues who can afford to take that gamble upon the Scottish youngsters seem to be willing to do so, as they know the game is structured arseways and easy pickings available.
I'll forever claim its a disgrace and an insult towards the memory of the "Lisbon Lions" and fuck all signs of the situation ever changing either imo
the game is dying and will no longer be a game soon, its just a money scam

the more money the more you win thays no a living game.

you also pointed out that since its a dying game noboby bothers to turn up to watch lower teams since they have no money they cant win or come close and certainly cant be entertaining enough to interest their own fans never mind new fans

And despite the huge wealth gap between 2 clubs in scotland and rest of league the exact same scenario on european level exists where smaller clubs than celtic dwarf celtic financially due to arbitrary payments to bigger leagues

And it gets divergent each season

the clubs in the elite bracket are spending too much trying to get access to the expontential tv deals

and smaller clubs get smaller as their own fans cant be arsed to tiurn up when they cant even field a rotten side too often

the standard of elite football goes south as the wages get higher and the disparity of wealth straggles the competition
the game is dying and will no longer be a game soon, its just a money scam

the more money the more you win thays no a living game.

you also pointed out that since its a dying game noboby bothers to turn up to watch lower teams since they have no money they cant win or come close and certainly cant be entertaining enough to interest their own fans never mind new fans

And despite the huge wealth gap between 2 clubs in scotland and rest of league the exact same scenario on european level exists where smaller clubs than celtic dwarf celtic financially due to arbitrary payments to bigger leagues

And it gets divergent each season

the clubs in the elite bracket are spending too much trying to get access to the expontential tv deals

and smaller clubs get smaller as their own fans cant be arsed to tiurn up when they cant even field a rotten side too often

the standard of elite football goes south as the wages get higher and the disparity of wealth straggles the competition
Don't think I ever said football is a dying game TET because I don't believe it is and won't be either imo, with the financial term's involved within it.
Of course the financial aspects have totally changed the game from the one we once knew, better or worse remains debatable but a totally different game in many respects regardless.
The SPFL is a product within the game and if it wasn't for the passion of Celtic, I would have fuck all interest within the product as such, simple reason as the product is rotten to the core.
All the while the product remains rotten to the core in the manner that it does then no chances of ever growing imo.
Even today yet again highlights the problem, how can county attract new supporters into a game when your going to be blatantly cheated by a so called bigger team?
It's been in place for donkey years now and still strongly in place and no sign of ever changing either.
Even VAR stands to make things already worse than they currently are imo.
Watched a Liverpool goal awarded today and totally baffling to as to why the own goal was awarded when a player was offside and deemed not to be interfering with play???? Yet it wouldn't devalue the product of the EPL as Liverpool were winning 5-0 at the time.
This whole debate started off around another celtic youngster wanting to move on to salvage a career imo.
Again the product of SPFL football requires a over physical approach that goes unchecked again, allowing to much place for the hammer throwers within it still.
Results being Celtic are caught up in a catch 22 situation where we have to look well outside of Scotland for the flair players as such to be able to withstand the over physical approach towards the game, as on to many occasions the Scottish Young player seems to be regarded as not physically strong enough to withstand such an approach within the game still imo.
It also leads to the bargain player becoming more attractive to the stronger leagues as they have proven themselves more so with the over physical approach to the game with plenty of career ending challenges flying around and going unpunished still.
As a club we do brilliant to withstand and dominant within such a flawed product but the media won't recognise that as prefer to keep the product flawed with false reporting upon it still.
No amount of money is going to change the product all the while that there are no signs of ever wanting such a flawed cheating corrupt product that Scottish football reminds and has no chance of ever growing in its current format imo, and celtic youngsters will continue to struggle within that product as it stands imo.
Don't think I ever said football is a dying game TET because I don't believe it is and won't be either imo, with the financial term's involved within it.
Of course the financial aspects have totally changed the game from the one we once knew, better or worse remains debatable but a totally different game in many respects regardless.
The SPFL is a product within the game and if it wasn't for the passion of Celtic, I would have fuck all interest within the product as such, simple reason as the product is rotten to the core.
All the while the product remains rotten to the core in the manner that it does then no chances of ever growing imo.
Even today yet again highlights the problem, how can county attract new supporters into a game when your going to be blatantly cheated by a so called bigger team?
It's been in place for donkey years now and still strongly in place and no sign of ever changing either.
Even VAR stands to make things already worse than they currently are imo.
Watched a Liverpool goal awarded today and totally baffling to as to why the own goal was awarded when a player was offside and deemed not to be interfering with play???? Yet it wouldn't devalue the product of the EPL as Liverpool were winning 5-0 at the time.
This whole debate started off around another celtic youngster wanting to move on to salvage a career imo.
Again the product of SPFL football requires a over physical approach that goes unchecked again, allowing to much place for the hammer throwers within it still.
Results being Celtic are caught up in a catch 22 situation where we have to look well outside of Scotland for the flair players as such to be able to withstand the over physical approach towards the game, as on to many occasions the Scottish Young player seems to be regarded as not physically strong enough to withstand such an approach within the game still imo.
It also leads to the bargain player becoming more attractive to the stronger leagues as they have proven themselves more so with the over physical approach to the game with plenty of career ending challenges flying around and going unpunished still.
As a club we do brilliant to withstand and dominant within such a flawed product but the media won't recognise that as prefer to keep the product flawed with false reporting upon it still.
No amount of money is going to change the product all the while that there are no signs of ever wanting such a flawed cheating corrupt product that Scottish football reminds and has no chance of ever growing in its current format imo, and celtic youngsters will continue to struggle within that product as it stands imo.
these same things happen all over game though

What you are describing is not a game of football though, therefore it seems to me you are saying game is dying

even though you claim in opening sentence you dont think its dying

the game is dying

its purely money dictating show

these small clubs cant afford better players and even if they unearth a new good one they get taken for pittance

the clubs cant attract more fans with this uneven platform

it may well evolve into something else over time but game of football is dead

the hammer throwing was much worse in years gone by imo as far as wild tackles

its not the physical side of game thats broke

its the imbalance of money thats broke game

even if hearts got a side capable of winning league they would be bought before they have chance to win it and for pennies in comparison

the game is dying

the product is getting worse generally
the players get paid too. much if they can play so much so they dont really care if they get game coz the money is better than a game at certain level

Its dying

it may not be dying at the cl levels

but the rot is set in underneath and it will grow upwards slowly till its pointless waste of time and money to even put out a pr ofessional side. coz you cant cover costs of rotten players never mind good ones

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