Thats your right Vigo, but maybe point out why ye disagree, jist sayin
Maybe you're right Michael. Sandman wants his 15 minutes. That's fine and many do appear to enjoy his scrapings. I find them a little irritating and apologise for reading them. I will do better.... However, when I read them, whilst I do agree with some of the points made and the ratings of some players I often find myself in disagreement. He has his opinions so that is okay but he sets himself out as an authority. with his opinions set as difinitive... not for this little brown duck.
I think I read them after the Milan game because I was still sore after last Saturday and was reading other people's thoughts on Thursday.... enjoying most but then bumped into Sandmans ratings again and in spite of my better judgement I took them in and again found myself at odds with his opinions. This is no big deal and I would have hoped not to get into it but I made a passing comment that I regularly disagreed. No more, it was just out of a mild irritation. I apologise if MY opinion has ruffled any feathers. My opinion had more to do with last Saturday.
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