Livingston v Celtic - Premiership, Sunday 19th September

McCarthy - dumpling, played the ball backwards more than forward , at least Bitton tried to get it forward when he came on
It's horses for courses when you play on a plastic pitch, guys like Rogic, Mikey, Jota, Abada, have the ability to kill a ball, and dance around defenders, but once Livingston scored, it was always going to be playing against a ten man defence
I thought Turnbull was MIA today, he doesn't like the rough and tumble, and they gave us no time on the ball today
It's done, and I'm not going to let it get me too down
Another opportunity lost, as Motherwell did us a favour today
Hope you enjoy your Sunday anyway

Thought we had started brightly enough just the final ball/cross letting us down big time. Once they scored as time ticked on we starting going sideways and backwards almost as if we where watching last years team. The scary thing is we don’t have a plan B against teams that bore the shite out of you. Absolutely nobody on the bench that you could look at to change things. The football this season looks great to the point when the game wears on at nothing each and the opposition grows in confidence we look as if we lose ours and start to panic. Has to be said Welsh was absolutely shite at their goal which came out of nothing and changed how we played
Where is Christopher Julian at now ?? how many weeks before we see him back.

why do folk see him as the saviour ,he wasn't that great a defender and we have a manager who keeps chopping and changing the back line

we needed dig today playing on a shite surface we should have been in there faces from the off and kept the pressure on ,instead we stepped back played too many passes just to get us out our own half which then tended to come back the way nobody went direct accept livi ,,,,,and scored

we had all the possession and did jack shit with it the first 60 mins was like a training game McCarthy and Turnbull are not the answer ,so then we took our slow players off and replaced them with 3 more slow players who again couldn't go direct ,MJs a sand dancer a frustrating player can't pick a pass yet everyone played to him at the later end and he squandered everything
3pts lost to the the club sitting on 1 point at the bottom of the league ,,,pathetic
Spot on m8, looks like he's another Yes Man altho he comes across as different! Just cannot COMPREHEND the FILTH getting that Champions League Money & after 10 yrs of GROSS MISMANAGEMENT they'll be SOLVENT!! MAKES YI FUKIN PUKE!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Ange has got us playing well Sean,he came into the biggest catastrophe we had since the Kelly mob were running the show,this is only my opinion mate but I believe he will do good if not great things when he can get the people in he wants..
It must have been a very hard job getting new faces to come to Celtic this year when all everybody saw was headlines about the collapse of Celtic,no 10 iar,,Eddie Howe changed his mind,,Neil Lennon gets sacked,,sure that would have put people off,,then we lose 3 great players who did not want to be here,,I think he has done a fantastic job up till now and I also believe Sean we can only get better.
Keep the faith mate..
