Crisis? What Crisis? Says Neil Lennon.

I think he's been asked to hold the fort so to speak I think he knows hes gettin replaced so if u were lennon a guy who fell in love with our club got to manage them twice was proud as fuck then was asked to leave at end of season cause we want to go a different direction why would he not stay on I dont think its about money if the boards asked him to hang it out then it's not his fault is it??? noo he cud have Walked that's another argument but
I think he's been asked to hold the fort so to speak I think he knows hes gettin replaced so if u were lennon a guy who fell in love with our club got to manage them twice was proud as fuck then was asked to leave at end of season cause we want to go a different direction why would he not stay on I dont think its about money if the boards asked him to hang it out then it's not his fault is it??? noo he cud have Walked that's another argument but
His legacy? His standing amongst the fans?
Why would he stand up for a Board thats going to fire him anyway if thats the case? Why not let them do their own dirty work rather than being seen a patsy for them?
The more I see him the angrier I’m getting.
The more I hear him the angrier I’m getting. The way this club is being run is a disgrace from top to bottom.
Bring back Fergus. He wouldn’t have put up this. Resolution 12 would still be getting fought.
7 wins in our last 21 games. Shocking.
0 victories in 2021 and this arsehole thinks the club is being run great. If he thinks that, so must the board. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GO NOW. THE LOT OF YOU.🤬🤬🤬
His legacy? His standing amongst the fans?
Why would he stand up for a Board thats going to fire him anyway if thats the case? Why not let them do their own dirty work rather than being seen a patsy for them?
Because he thinks hes helping the club out u heard him praising the board over last 20 year he thinks it's all good above him and how we are ran so why wouldn't he hang in there n take one for the team??
Chelsea get rid of Frank Lampard , the No1 legend at their club . Chelsea are still in the CL and FA Cup but the board saw that it was time for change .
Celtic trailing Sevco by a zillion points in January , out of Europe , out of the League Cup ( to Ross County !!! ) refuse to replace Lennon - by some distance NOT Celtic's No 1 legend .

Go figure !

Forget the "legend status" may be damaged nonsense, I'm at the stage now where I can't even stand looking at his face!

He is showing nothing but contempt for the fans of OUR club with his attitude of indifference during the press conference.

He was sitting there looking at his nails at one point and giving off a vibe that said he couldn't give two shits what ANYONE thinks.

Need that self-serving twat out of the club asap.

If he had any scruples, or love for the club, he would've walked a long time ago.
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