Big trouble for Russell Brand allegedly. Channel 4,9pm tonite.

I'll be honest TET, this isn't like're usually very measured but there is absolutely nothing in this video...he has his hand over the little girls shoulder...he isnt groping at all and she isn't pulling away. At what point she rests her head on him...and Lorraine is telling them to go back to mum because the little boy is all over the place while she's trying to interview...she's probably got her producer in her ear telling her to send the little boy away.
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Absolute garbage if you ask me .Why not wait until there is hard evidence before posting videos and accusing folk of being another Saville?Fucking moron
Who accused him?

10 years ago these allegations were full swing and still he got next job and next job etc

Seems a bit like Saville in many ways, inappropriately kissing people with no consent and doing saying weird things then passing off as jokes.

I dont accuse him of nothing

I say its not an out of blue accusation. And as far fetched as it sounds he needs a closer eye on him for certain.
I'll be honest TET, this isn't like're usually very measured but there is absolutely nothing in this video...he has his hand over the little girls shoulder...he is groping at all and she isn't pulling away. At what point she rests her head on him...and Lorraine is telling them to go back to mum because the little boy is all over the place while she's trying to interview...she's probably got her producer in her ear telling her to send the little boy away.
Im telling you these accusations are not new and nothing been done about it. He was accused back then of being protected by the boarding school elite perverts and nothing was done about it. no investigation nada.

I dont accuse him of nothing. the videos by the people accusing him are no longer on internet. detailed pizzagate type videos. And he was identified way way back as someone who treats serious sexual crimes as worth joking about.

The accusations are made by others. I point out they arent new or out of blue. And he clearly protected by someone because the plethora of evidense of weird inappropriate touching just like savile was accused and noone done nothing about the accusations

he even had defenders that your seeing things that arent there, move along?

Brand is protected by someone/something for certain.
They say your innocent until proven guilty but reality is your guilty until proven innocent (even tho that shouldn't be the case)....just have to wait to see what happens it could be bullshit or it could be true....for every prick in power or who has cash that's done terrible bad things there's also as many woman lying for a pay out.... hopefully it's not true but you never know so just wait to it plays out
.....loads of musicians for a start have had very questionable sexual allegations and people still listen to the music of that singer (not even going to put a list up as would be here all day)
Im telling you these accusations are not new and nothing been done about it. He was accused back then of being protected by the boarding school elite perverts and nothing was done about it. no investigation nada.

I dont accuse him of nothing. the videos by the people accusing him are no longer on internet. detailed pizzagate type videos. And he was identified way way back as someone who treats serious sexual crimes as worth joking about.

The accusations are made by others. I point out they arent new or out of blue. And he clearly protected by someone because the plethora of evidense of weird inappropriate touching just like savile was accused and noone done nothing about the accusations

he even had defenders that your seeing things that arent there, move along?

Brand is protected by someone/something for certain.

I'm not saying he's innocent....or guilty...but there was nothing in the video you posted of him on Lorraine Kelly chat show IMO with those children, that was my point.
I just find it mad how the British media are playing this at the moment. A few weeks ago we had Andrew all over the front pages, with headlines on how Charlie is bringing him back into the fold. We will soon see pictures of him with the golden couple, Will and Kate, and their children...then old photos of him with dear mama...and before you know it, all will be forgiven. A guy, who's favourite uncle and mentor had “a perversion for young boys” (FBI files), whos mum had to pay off one of his victims and whos friend was a billionaire peadophile who procured children for the elite.
One is an Elite, the other has spent the last year attacking the elites.....just saying.
I'm not saying he's innocent....or guilty...but there was nothing in the video you posted of him on Lorraine Kelly chat show IMO with those children, that was my point.
I just find it mad how the British media are playing this at the moment. A few weeks ago we had Andrew all over the front pages, with headlines on how Charlie is bringing him back into the fold. We will soon see pictures of him with the golden couple, Will and Kate, and their children...then old photos of him with dear mama...and before you know it, all will be forgiven. A guy, who's favourite uncle and mentor had “a perversion for young boys” (FBI files), whos mum had to pay off one of his victims and whos friend was a billionaire peadophile who procured children for the elite.
One is an Elite, the other has spent the last year attacking the elites.....just saying.

He on lorraine promoting his book similar to pied piper where the characte who captures your kids is a caricature of himself.

He sees him self as a droog from clockwork orange in his own description of his main character and the book is teaching kids about the secret things of life?

Now thats weird enough but why is that being promoted on tv channel. Russel the teacher of children? Then he brings out some random kids to sit on his lap and his hand is inappropriately reaching way round her shoulder.

A bloke promoting a weird childrens book with creepy pictures about a child snatcher who teaches the hidden mysteries to kids sets alarm bells off for certain.

He is a public school boy went to same school as his elite chums abeit got expelled but still he managed to rise in that tv world despite being excessively obnoxious and pretty much a junkie.

And I have no idea what he promotes on his weird media but the innocent video on lorraine is not so innocent. he promoting something in plain sight. facilitated by his media chums from the elite schools.
He on lorraine promoting his book similar to pied piper where the characte who captures your kids is a caricature of himself.

He sees him self as a droog from clockwork orange in his own description of his main character and the book is teaching kids about the secret things of life?

Now thats weird enough but why is that being promoted on tv channel. Russel the teacher of children? Then he brings out some random kids to sit on his lap and his hand is inappropriately reaching way round her shoulder.

A bloke promoting a weird childrens book with creepy pictures about a child snatcher who teaches the hidden mysteries to kids sets alarm bells off for certain.

He is a public school boy went to same school as his elite chums abeit got expelled but still he managed to rise in that tv world despite being excessively obnoxious and pretty much a junkie.

And I have no idea what he promotes on his weird media but the innocent video on lorraine is not so innocent. he promoting something in plain sight. facilitated by his media chums from the elite schools.

Again...I'm not saying he's innocent. But random children?? He clearly states he's very close to the children as they belong to his friend. The little girl rests her head on his shoulder. His hand is over her shoulder with a flat palm on her chest. He is not groping or squeezing or grabbing. She doesn't look uncomfortable and she is not pulling away from him, from what I can see.
If he's guilty of anything then take him to court and try him. If he's guilty, jail him...but the video you posted on the Lorraine show, IMO, is a nothing video.
I'm not going to pretend to understand the meanings behind his book and the whole "teacher of children" aspect...but to compare him to Saville based on that video....bit of a stretch.
The Govt and the Royals have form for sex crimes, going way back to the Tories, Enoch Powell, Edward Heath,Cyril Smith, Mountbatten, and the lot, getting away with it, they own the media and it's an all out campaign against anyone who takes them on, innocent until proven guilty comes to mind, otherwise, it's gossip and rumour, fueled by their media lackeys, but who knows, if he's guilty, then lock him up, and throw away the key
Excactly my thoughts dilligaf,Twitter isn’t the courts,,if enough evidence then prosecute if not leave the guy alone,,”if”he’s the supposed next jimmy saville then I’m sure the cunts that are trying to shut this guy down with his six million followers on Twitter??wouldn’t hesitate!!!you listed names that were durty rotten child molesters that never seen the inside of a police station?iv named guys like sir cliff richard,Alex salmond Kevin spacey who’s reputation is tarnished because they weren’t royalty or in the government…
Again...I'm not saying he's innocent. But random children?? He clearly states he's very close to the children as they belong to his friend. The little girl rests her head on his shoulder. His hand is over her shoulder with a flat palm on her chest. He is not groping or squeezing or grabbing. She doesn't look uncomfortable and she is not pulling away from him, from what I can see.
If he's guilty of anything then take him to court and try him. If he's guilty, jail him...but the video you posted on the Lorraine show, IMO, is a nothing video.
I'm not going to pretend to understand the meanings behind his book and the whole "teacher of children" aspect...but to compare him to Saville based on that video....bit of a stretch.
his fingers are clearly on her breast. thats inappropriate. not the shoulder. the chat he chatting about is dubious and not really kids material. And he writing childrens books about child snatching just like his stand up comedy is about abusing women

He is worth watching. Now lets assume he is innocent.

his material is weird at best of times. But in light of the accusations his material sounds like he tells you in plain sight what he does and calls it comedy.

They are not his kids. And he promoting book about snatching kids from their parents. He also likes to wear the top hat of elitism while he telling you in plain sight his dubious risque material

on lorraine you have weird comedian self confessed sex addict promoting his book about capturing kids and teaching them secrets while he sitting with someone elses kids and his had in on her breast.

But you cant see whats inappropriate about that?
his fingers are clearly on her breast. thats inappropriate. not the shoulder. the chat he chatting about is dubious and not really kids material. And he writing childrens books about child snatching just like his stand up comedy is about abusing women

He is worth watching. Now lets assume he is innocent.

his material is weird at best of times. But in light of the accusations his material sounds like he tells you in plain sight what he does and calls it comedy.

They are not his kids. And he promoting book about snatching kids from their parents. He also likes to wear the top hat of elitism while he telling you in plain sight his dubious risque material

on lorraine you have weird comedian self confessed sex addict promoting his book about capturing kids and teaching them secrets while he sitting with someone elses kids and his had in on her breast.

But you cant see whats inappropriate about that?

Again...the book and the meaning aren't my argument. Small children don't have breasts...his hand is over her shoulder rested on her chest. Maybe a peadophile will get some kick out of touching a child's chest, obviously I can't answer that....but I don't see groping or grabbing or a child looking uncomfortable or Lorraine Kelly looking you described it, before posting the video.
And be very careful how you start directing questions at me TET. I can tolerate your constant arguments about footballing matters but as the father of 2 young girls ill tell you this...the touching of any child inappropriately is fucking sick and if it was up to me, anyone doing it would have their fucking hands cut off. So let's just leave it at that.

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