Palestine Genocide

There's Martin O'Neil on Talk sport saying Celtic fans shouldn't be taking Palestinian flags into the matches & going along the lines " it's a football match, not a political environment " . That Simon Jordan agreeing and adding to O'Neil pish.
Funny that none of these pundits had anything to say about Ukrainian flags getting flown at games. Russian team were thrown out of UEFA competitions and Russian players were abused.
That was all OK because America & its Allies support Ukraine.
Hope Celtic Park is full of Palestinian Flags on Wednesday night. Let's see if UEFA try and fine the club because of it.
There's Martin O'Neil on Talk sport saying Celtic fans shouldn't be taking Palestinian flags into the matches & going along the lines " it's a football match, not a political environment " . That Simon Jordan agreeing and adding to O'Neil pish.
Funny that none of these pundits had anything to say about Ukrainian flags getting flown at games. Russian team were thrown out of UEFA competitions and Russian players were abused.
That was all OK because America & its Allies support Ukraine.
Hope Celtic Park is full of Palestinian Flags on Wednesday night. Let's see if UEFA try and fine the club because of it.
I said earlier on a different thread that if the Green Brigade were smart they should take a mixture of Ukrainian flags and Palestinian flags to the game. That would completely baffle UEFA.
I said earlier on a different thread that if the Green Brigade were smart they should take a mixture of Ukrainian flags and Palestinian flags to the game. That would completely baffle UEFA.
Hope they do try and fine celtic and celtic lawyers take them to town.
UEFA who say your not allowed political banners etc. UEFA banned all Russian teams from UEFA competitions, even the youth teams because of the war. UEFA even came out with statements in support of Ukraine. So they can hardly claim that you can show your political views at football matches.
Israel are fucking scummy bastards. A nations of "victims" who now try and act more Nazi than the Nazi's. Yet they still want act the victims.
All relgions are fucked up & none more so than Jews relgion. A bunch of arseholes who have been acting the victim for over 2000 years
The genocide and demolition of gaza is on target every man woman and child will be murdered, just as the 1200 Jews that were murdered as have generations of Palestinian people who have been oppressed and murdered in their own land,what we're seeing in gaza now is the clearing of gaza with the blessings of the west ,how can anyone in the west turn round and call the Russians out for what thier doing in Ukraine and in the same breath say " Israel has a right to defend itself " and using this as an excuse for mass murder. Its disgusting.
The genocide and demolition of gaza is on target every man woman and child will be murdered, just as the 1200 Jews that were murdered as have generations of Palestinian people who have been oppressed and murdered in their own land,what we're seeing in gaza now is the clearing of gaza with the blessings of the west ,how can anyone in the west turn round and call the Russians out for what thier doing in Ukraine and in the same breath say " Israel has a right to defend itself " and using this as an excuse for mass murder. Its disgusting.
If you actually look into the history of Ukraine from WW2, Russia had good reasons for invading Ukraine.
Basically Ukrainians in the west of the country fought for the Nazi's during the war. When it finished the CIA used that group of Ukrainians, who's leader was called Bandera, to fight against the soviet Union. Tens of thousands on each side were killed. The Soviets then jailed over 30,000 of the bandera's in gulags. They were released in the mid to late 1950's.
When they came out of the gulag's and returned to Ukraine, they started to work their way into power. By the 2010's the followers of the bandera's started attacking Russian speaking Ukrainians and destroying the business & homes. That why the conflict started in 2014. The west don't want to tell people this. They would rather everyone think the Russians were talking about the azov regiment when they were calling Ukrainians Nazi's. When in truth its a lot of the people in positions of power who are proper Nazi's, with their fathers actually fighting for Nazi German & wiping out full Ukrainian villages.
If you actually look into the history of Ukraine from WW2, Russia had good reasons for invading Ukraine.
Basically Ukrainians in the west of the country fought for the Nazi's during the war. When it finished the CIA used that group of Ukrainians, who's leader was called Bandera, to fight against the soviet Union. Tens of thousands on each side were killed. The Soviets then jailed over 30,000 of the bandera's in gulags. They were released in the mid to late 1950's.
When they came out of the gulag's and returned to Ukraine, they started to work their way into power. By the 2010's the followers of the bandera's started attacking Russian speaking Ukrainians and destroying the business & homes. That why the conflict started in 2014. The west don't want to tell people this. They would rather everyone think the Russians were talking about the azov regiment when they were calling Ukrainians Nazi's. When in truth its a lot of the people in positions of power who are proper Nazi's, with their fathers actually fighting for Nazi German & wiping out full Ukrainian villages.
There's much more to the war in Ukraine than the media let on. Zelensky is treated like a hero yet he has ordered the killing of other Ukrainians who identify as Russian. He's a Nazi but all we hear is:

Wars are much more nuanced than that but the media are out to dictate and brainwash the people because it suits the West.
There's much more to the war in Ukraine than the media let on. Zelensky is treated like a hero yet he has ordered the killing of other Ukrainians who identify as Russian. He's a Nazi but all we hear is:

Wars are much more nuanced than that but the media are out to dictate and brainwash the people because it suits the West.
This is why I won't watch mainstream news. Its all lies. It is fortunately dying a slow death as a result of the Internet. People now have access to the other side of whatever is reported and therefore can make their own mind up as to what's true or not.
Any of these country's that are backed by the so called world superpowers, all you have to ask yourself is, what's in it for them.
Remember when we were children and we played cowboys and indians from watching westerns. Nobody wanted to be the Indians because they were always portrayed as the evil ones.
Life hasn't evolved much since then.
This is why I won't watch mainstream news. Its all lies. It is fortunately dying a slow death as a result of the Internet. People now have access to the other side of whatever is reported and therefore can make their own mind up as to what's true or not.
Any of these country's that are backed by the so called world superpowers, all you have to ask yourself is, what's in it for them.
Remember when we were children and we played cowboys and indians from watching westerns. Nobody wanted to be the Indians because they were always portrayed as the evil ones.
Life hasn't evolved much since then.
Novara media on YouTube is a well better media outlet than your MSM . Always watch that to get a more balanced idea of what is going on
This is why I won't watch mainstream news. Its all lies. It is fortunately dying a slow death as a result of the Internet. People now have access to the other side of whatever is reported and therefore can make their own mind up as to what's true or not.
Any of these country's that are backed by the so called world superpowers, all you have to ask yourself is, what's in it for them.
Remember when we were children and we played cowboys and indians from watching westerns. Nobody wanted to be the Indians because they were always portrayed as the evil ones.
Life hasn't evolved much since then.
A few days into the war Russia was prepared to pull out of Ukraine altogether with the 2 regions in the east to hold a referendum on their independence.
Ukraine was going to agree to that until America & its Allies told them not to. " Don't do it, we will provide you with everything you need to win"
America & its Allies can provide as much weapons & money as they want, the one thing they can't provide which Ukraine desperately needs is more man power.
Ukraine is running out of people to send to war. Russia can deal with millions of dead soldiers, they don't see that as a problem.
Russia will start to push towards odessa and make Ukraine a land locked country.
Ukrainians must be thick as mince, you just have to look at the state of Iraqi & Afghanistan to see what America & its Allies leave behind when they get fed up with a conflict. Ukraine won't be any different
If you actually look into the history of Ukraine from WW2, Russia had good reasons for invading Ukraine.
How about looking into history a bit earlier.
When Lenin and Trotsky agreed to the treaty of Brest Litovsk which ended Russias participation in WW1, they gave parts of Russia to the Germans.

One of these was the Ukraine and German soldiers occupied Kiev amongst other places.

Most Russians, even those who may be described as "White Russians" were appalled that such an inportant part of Russia had been handed to Germany. However the Ukraine offered German protection from the Bolsheviks and became a refuge for people fleeing the Bolsheviks.

The Ukraine was then seen as a hot bed of anti soviet resistance, and Stalin then forced large numbers of Ukrainians to move east, and allowed a terrible famine.

So the issues between Russia and Ukraine go back longer than WW2
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How about looking into history a bit earlier.
When Lenin and Trotsky agreed to the treaty of Brest Litovsk which ended Russias participation in WW1, they gave parts of Russia to the Germans.

One of these was the Ukraine and German soldiers occupied Kiev amongst other places.

Most Russians, even those who may be described as "White Russians" were appalled that such an inportant part of Russia had been handed to Germany. However the Ukraine offered German protection from the Bolsheviks and became a refuge for people fleeing the Bolsheviks.

The Ukraine was then seen as a hot bed of anti soviet resistance, and Stalin then forced large numbers of Ukrainians to move east, and allowed a terrible famine.

So the issues between Russia and Ukraine go back longer than WW2
All true but I was pointing out the narrative painted by the msm that Russians claim about ukraine being full of nazi's was unfounded to be false
There's Martin O'Neil on Talk sport saying Celtic fans shouldn't be taking Palestinian flags into the matches & going along the lines " it's a football match, not a political environment " . That Simon Jordan agreeing and adding to O'Neil pish.
Funny that none of these pundits had anything to say about Ukrainian flags getting flown at games. Russian team were thrown out of UEFA competitions and Russian players were abused.
That was all OK because America & its Allies support Ukraine.
Hope Celtic Park is full of Palestinian Flags on Wednesday night. Let's see if UEFA try and fine the club because of it.
I've no time for Martin O'Neill. He took the fuckin soup and played for the planters. His fellow derry man James mcclean stood up for his principles and beliefs unlike that other wanker. So, to me, his opinion is worthless.
All true but I was pointing out the narrative painted by the msm that Russians claim about ukraine being full of nazi's was unfounded to be false
So we are in agreement. The people of Ukraine are not and never were Nazis.

Whilst some were collaborators who commited terrible attrocities, most were guilty of no more than thinking "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"

A position that seldom works out well.
The two wars might be connected on deeper level


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